Thursday, November 29, 2007

Just When You Need Friends...

So, today has been extremely hard around our house. It seems just when we have a system going on, it gets messed up! Well, we had a party for a good friend of mine who is expecting a baby. I was very excited to get out of the house and go enjoy myself amongst good friends!! And, of course, life throws you a curve ball. Jack's "other dad" seems to always know when I am in a good mood, and does something not so nice - and then I'm left to pick up the pieces.

I wanted so desperately to enjoy myself at the party - so, to all my friends there, I am sorry for my orneriness (is that a word?). I was extremely thankful to be among you all when I felt like I might explode! THANK YOU.

On a lighter note, for FHE on Monday we decorated Gingerbread houses. The kids had a ton of fun, even if the gingerbread houses looked as if they had seen better days.


Shannon said...

I love the new look!!! Sorry you had such a hard time yesterday... :(

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new background! Where did you find it?! We need to do gingerbread houses. It looks like so much fun!

KarliSue said...

I love you so much! Can I kill steve for you. What he did was completly uncalled for and I would have reacted the same way you did. Why don't we send Steve and Romney off to another Country I think that would make our lives so much easier.

You are amazing and I am so lucky to have you as a friend

elshmobelsh said...

You are so sweet and kind. I Love You! Sorry you had a bad day!

Lindsey Bunjes said...

Hey sweetie, Hope today is going better for you. Sorry I didn't wave right away this morning, I didn't see it was you until the last minute. I was off to the play group, which you should totally come to next week!