Friday, November 9, 2007


I seem to be home all by self tonight - that is sure a rare occasion! Dusty is out with friends, and the kids haven't been to my mom's for a while, so here I am alone. It has been a rough couple of weeks for me, but I am reminded often of all my many blessings (which are many!). So, I am taking cue from my dear friend Karli, and will share a few things that I am feeling thankful for tonight...

1. I am very thankful for my friends. I know I say it often, but Dusty and I did not know anyone in our ward for about 2 years. But, through the persistence of the few people we did know, we have met some of the most amazing people - EVER! They have truly shown us what it is like to be "Christ Like", and I only hope I am the same way with them.
2. I am thankful for the gospel! I still feel like a child sometimes - you know, when you don't feel like you truly understand everything about the gospel. But, that is the beauty of the church. You get to learn every day! I am so grateful that my kids can know their Heavenly Father, and gain a testimony of Him all on their own.
3. I am thankful for trials (I know, crazy!). I seem to be going through my own little trial right now, but I hope that one day I will beat it. And, I am thankful that I will be able to help someone someday because I went through this! I KNOW that trials make us better people.
4. I am thankful for a loving mother and father, who seem to know me better than anyone at times. I am pretty sure that me and my children can do no wrong in their eyes. They are a lot like Jesus, I am sure! How amazing that I was placed in their arms at just 8 days old, and how thankful I am for that. I thank Heavenly Father every day for them and their wonderful example. I am also thankful for Dusty's parents who raised a wonderful son! They are such great examples to me of hard workers and loving parents.
5. I am most thankful for my AMAZING, HANDSOME, LOVING HUSBAND and my two BEAUTIFUL, KIND, LOVING CHILDREN. How lucky I am to be part of their lives. I can't believe that I will get to be with Dusty for all eternity - what an amazing blessing. And, that our children can be sealed to us (one day, Jack, I know!!!) and will be our family forever.

Thanks to all of you for making my life better! I am very, very thankful for all of you.


Elizabeth said...


I love reading your blog. I didn't know you were adopted! I love to hear about adoption! I am also glad to see you like Broadway. I love it!

Elizabeth Reed

Scott and Megan said...

Tiff you are so awesome! Your call to me last night meant the world! You have no idea what I have been dealing with lately and your call to me made me feel so thought of! Thank you so much for following your feelings to call me...i needed to hear just from you! thanks for checkin on me...things are just great with me and getting better but thanks so much for your love and concern. love you tons!

Anonymous said...

Tiffany, In the short time that I've known you I've become impressed by you. You are so genuine and kind and humble, not to mention gorgeous! Hope we can continue to get to know each other. By the way, I LOVE I Love Lucy! I have every episode on dvd and some on vhs too, and I have many of the Lucy Show episodes as well. There is a channel that plays I Love Lucy reruns every Saturday morning, all morning.(I think it might be ch. 14 (?)) I sounds a little obsessed don't I?! Anyway, I've never met anyone else that loved I Love Lucy as much as me!