Sunday, November 4, 2007

Great Lessons...

I am very thankful that Dusty and I decided to drive home at 5 a.m. this morning so I could attend church. For some odd reason, I just knew I had to be there! Well, I know why. Relief Society. Kim taught a great lesson on Self Worth, and I think it was for me. I seem to be one of those people that have horrible self-esteem. No matter what happens in my life, I always feel horrible about myself. I'm just too hard on myself, I guess...
But, I was very thankful for the lesson, and all the comments that were made. It was a great day to be at church and feel the spirit!


Hannah Jones said...

I totally agree with you.
I've been feeling so down lately- and I almost didn't come today. (I didn't want the Bishop to be mad that I was late!) But better late than never- right?! SO glad I was there. From Sacrament all the way through RS the things that were said were exactly what I needed to hear!
So glad you were there too! :)

KarliSue said...

I wish that you knew how amazing you are!!! I was also glad that I was there for the lesson today. Its crazy how self-esteem can affect so many areas of our lives. I know you don't always give yourself enough credit for how amazing you are. I love you so much!!!!

Shannon said...

You will have to fill me in, I came home with a headache :) Primary was a tad bit CRAZY! You really are an awesome person and a wonderful mom (and great friend). Don't forget it!

Michelle said...

Shannon is definitely understating the craziness of Primary. I would love a recap of the lesson also. Tiffany, you are such an amazing person. You do so much for everyone else! As moms, I think you get in the habit of always giving, and never really taking time to "refuel" yourself. Being a mom doesn't have tangible rewards that boost your self-esteem at what you do. But the rewards you do get are so much better and Tiffany, you should look at what you do for Dusty and the kids and think "Wow, I am a GREAT mom!"