Saturday, February 16, 2008

Where did Bree go?

So, I am desperately looking for my sweet, innocent little girl named Breelle. Have any of you seen her lately?
Tonight, after not getting what she wanted, she walked up to me on the couch, grabbed the bag of chips I was eating, ran into the kitchen and DUMPED them out into the garbage. No, she didn't just throw the bag away - she dumped all the chips out!
Thursday I was at Walmart with my mom. Bree wanted a treat and I told her no. Well, she screamed at the top of her lungs "Then I don't want you to be my mom anymore!" The poor lady in front of us couldn't help but laugh. Bree then threw herself onto the floor and started pitching a fit. The lady in front of us said, "Well, I guess it's good she's not yours anymore."

Oh my!! I guess I'll just keep looking:)


Anonymous said...

Oh dear Tiff! I can't help but laugh. Mostly because I can relate!

Shannon said...

I saw her at church today! :) Of course it was from a distance, perhaps her teacher (Dusty) got a better look.

erica e said...

oh my. these toddlers can sure try a person's patience some days! its so much easier to laugh when its someone else's child.

Meghan said...

I agree with Erica, it is pretty funny when it's not your child! Good luck finding her... (I lost Maddex around age 3 but I did find her again when she was about 4!)

Michelle said...

I'm sad for you. I hope the "REAL" Bree turns up soon. While you're at it, could you help me find the "happy Maddy", I seem to be having the same problem.

Elizabeth said...

Honestly, I feel a little relieved. I'm glad it's not just my child who throws fits when he doesn't get his way. Three years old is much harder then 2. Four is getting a little better though.

Karen said...

I alos have been looking for my little Bree. I finally found her on a chair in time out. She told me if we were going to play together, I would have to be the mean husband. I found some books and we snuggled up by each other, read books and watched Cinderella. She is such a funny one. She makes us laugh and shake our heads at the same time. I even love the imposter Bree.

Love, Grandma

Millie Killpack said...

You might not find her for a couple years. maybe there will be glimples at times. atleast, there seems no end in sight with kate.

Unknown said...

What is it with these 3 year olds? You know Raegan has been acting the same way!
The worst part is that she isn't even close to turning 4 yet! Heaven Help Us....