Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fun Projects...

I have been working on some projects in my spare time lately. I made this "exploding box" for a really good friend of mine (I hope she doesn't care I'm showing the pictures). It's really fun, because when you open it, it has little boxes inside that you can fill with candy or whatever.

I got the idea from a blog I love to check out called Life As Lou (http://lifeaslou.blogsome.com/). She has AMAZING ideas and it was fun to try this one out. I also want to try one that opens up into a picture book. So if anyone wants to try and make one with me, we could get together and see what we come up with:)

Clipboard Project:

I also decorated a clipboard for a friend awhile ago, and decided to make some more of them. This is a really simple project, and a great gift for a friend.
Paper Bag Album:

Another thing you can make for a friend is a paper bag album.

Really cheap, and really easy!!

Treat Boxes:

And, I know some people where asking about my treat boxes I made at christmas time. If anyone is interested, let me know.

They are also simple to make and perfect for gifts. You can fill them with just about anything.

So, as you can see I haven't been scrapbooking lately - just working on fun projects. I'm sure my husband is ready to have our desk back to normal - but I don't see that happening any time soon:)


Meghan said...

Such cute projects Tiffany! I would love to learn how to do some of those. You are talented!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

wow! you've been busy!!!! Great projects! thanks for stopping by my blog and for the link too!

Michelle said...

Ok, I want to make the paper bag album, treat boxes from Christmas and the exploding box that folds into a photo album. I've made the tall, skinny box before. It's very cute. As are the clipboards. I'm so jealous of your free time.

Let's get together!

Mary said...

Wow! How do you make these? I would love to learn how to make the photo albums and the treat boxes. You are so talented!

Unknown said...

I love all of your cute crafts from paper. Thanks so much for sharing them on your post. We should definitely have a learn-to-make night!
You are so talented! And you are such a good friend! Love ya!

Elizabeth said...

I totally want to learn how to make any and all of those! I'm very impressed!

Karen said...

We both know that I am horrible at making these things but I would love to sit in and learn how along with your friends. I love how you know how to make things. I was ASBSOLUTELY not given that talent at all.


erica e said...

those are so cool! i want to know how to make the treat boxes.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! You are so crafty! How cute and fun!

Christy said...

You are amazing!! I just need to pay you to do all that stuff for me. I love your projects. We need to get together again soon. Take care.

Hannah Jones said...

Those are amazing! You are so talented! I saw the advent you made at Christmas time. Wow! I would love to learn how to make them!

Millie Killpack said...

darling! can i just hire you to make things?

Bugger said...

I love these, and I would love to learn how and make these cute things. Wow, those are just so dang cute.. Yes please share all your cute ideas!!