Friday, February 8, 2008

Our Family (an update)

So, since this seems to be the only journal my family has, I thought I'd write a little something about everyone and what they are up to lately. I hope I don't bore you all to tears...

Jack is in Kindergarten at Meadow Elementary. I wouldn't say he loves school, but he does like it. I think he likes the recess and friend part best. He is learning so much in school, and we are so proud of how far he has come. His teacher is Mrs. Stroman, and she actually was in New York when we there. Jack couldn't wait to tell all his friends at school that he got his picture taken with his teacher in New York!

He loves playing the Wii, reading, and watching movies. He loves playing Star Wars (what ever that means), and watching Star Wars (the old school ones). We loves going to primary and is learning how to be reverent:) He loves talking about Jesus and the prophet. In our family scripture reading, we are in 1 Nephi. Jack loves hearing the stories of Lehi and Nephi. We sure love him - he brings so much happiness to our lives.

Bree is definitely the comic at our house. She has such a funny personality. We love listening to her talk, and make up songs. She goes to preschool at Miss Karli's, and she loves it. She always comes home with fun things and pictures.
Her favorite things (as of late) are playing dress up with her princess dresses and playing with her friends.

She absolutely LOVES Disney princesses (Dusty thinks I've brainwashed her:). She loves to sleep at Grandma's house (which she does often). And, she loves her daddy. She is a daddy's girl all the way! I think that makes Dusty very proud:)
We are so happy to have Bree in our family. I can't imagine our lives without her - it would be a bit dull!!

Dusty is working at Fishbowl Inventory and he really enjoys it. It is a great company, and they are SO good to him (which I am very thankful for). When he started his position 4 years ago, he was the manager over one person. Now, he has around 20 people. It is great! He also plays the trumpet for the Wasatch Winds which his dad is the director over. He loves playing and wishes he could do it more.
He loves doing ANYTHING outdoors, and he especially likes to go camping (even though he doesn't get to do it very often). I wish we could find more time for him to do the things that he loves to do, but I'm sure some day we will:) He loves his new calling at church - he is in the young men's.
He is an amazing father and husband. I love him very much, and the kids do too. We are so lucky to have him!!

And, there's not much to tell about me! Just the same old thing:) I am still teaching color guard at American Fork High School, but after 7 years I have decided to call it quits! I will be done in April, and I am anxiously counting down the days. I love teaching and I love the girls, but it is time for me to just be a mom!
We were able to take a few trips last year which was my favorite part about the year. In the summer we took the kids to Disneyland, and then we went to New York - TWICE! It was awesome. There is nothing I love more than to go on vacation with my family.
I am too loving my calling in our ward. I have met such amazing people, and I have so many wonderful friends! I have truly been blessed to be surrounded by such supportive people!
I love my family and my kids and am so thankful to have them in my life. I don't know what I would do without them.

Well, thanks for reading my rant... But, it will be nice for my kids to read this in a few years and see what they were like:)


Shannon said...

Love the pictures. You have such a cute family.

Hannah Jones said...

I loved reading this! Jack is such a handsome boy. And Bree is a beautiful girl. You and Dusty are beautiful and handome too! :)

Just Kristina... said...

I like the post! Cute pictures!!

Lindsey Bunjes said...

That was so much fun to read! I haven't gotten to talk to you in so long I was wondering what you were up to.

Anonymous said...

I loved this post! I love learning more about you and your family. You guys are so great!

Unknown said...

How cute!! I love your family! Thanks for being such good friends to us!

Karen said...

I am so lucky to have you for a daughter, Dusty as a son-in-law, Jack and Bree as my grandchildren. They are the cutest. I love you all.
