Monday, May 4, 2009

Thank Goodness for BFF's!!

So, here's my long story for the day! I have always gotten my kids pictures taken in their blessing outfits - just a tradition I guess. Well, Myles is obviously getting older and I needed to get them taken. I didn't really feel like paying a lot of money for them, so I tried taking them myself (check my post from April 22nd). I obviously wasn't happy with them!! So, I wanted my friend Nicole to take some for me, but she just sold her house and I know how stressful that is!!!! So, I finally called Sears and set up an appointment for last Friday. Well, my mom and I got Myles ready and headed to Sears at the Provo mall. They took about 6 shots in his outfit - and they were ALL terrible!!! The angle of the shot was so bad, and his arms were flailing everywhere. So, I didn't buy any of them. I was very frustrated on the way home and was going to go to Kiddie Kandids - but, my mom talked me out of spending more money. So, I called my best friend Kristina who has an awesome camera and asked if she could take some pictures of Myles for me - and of course she agreed. So I went over to her house yesterday, and I am SO happy with the pictures. She got some great ones of him - below are my favorites. Anyways, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Kristina - I totally owe you!!


Karen said...

Kristina - you are hired. They are the cutest pictures of Myles. Kristina's dog was a great protector of Myles and made for an interesting photo session. A big thank you to Kristina also. Of course, Myles is so cute that I'm not surprised (which tells you how bad Sears pictures were.)


7packofbearss said...

What a cute little guy! He is growing so fast.

Just Kristina... said...

You're welcome! It was my pleasure to FINALLY be able to help you. You are always helping everyone else!! The only thing you owe me is to let me do it again... with all of your kids! Anytime!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!!! They are adorable! He is such a cutie!