Wednesday, May 27, 2009

American Idol

So, I can't believe I haven't posted anything yet about American Idol. The finale was two weeks ago - and, yes I am a total geek!! I never used to like American Idol, but Dusty and I started watching it a few years ago (me more than him). But, this year has been my favorite. I had liked Adam Lambert from his auditions - he has such a great voice!! He has done theater so I'm guessing that's why I liked him so much. But really, I never heard him sing off key - and, he was a great performer.
Well, we had our annual AI party at my mom's (I already admitted to being a geek...). I was SO STINKING MAD!! Adam came in 2nd next to Kris Allen. It was a bit of a shock. Kris has an ok voice, but nothing like Adam's. Anyways, I'm sure most of you are wondering why I care so much - it's just one of my guilty addictions I guess :)

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oh no!! You are so not a geek, and I am right there with you. I was so angry when they announced Kris as the winner. I honestly think I was in a little bit of shock. Adam deserved it so much more than Kris did. He is AMAZING to say the least. I can't wait for him to put out an album. I'll be there the day it's released to purchase one for myself.