Sunday, May 24, 2009

Family Update

I haven't really had a computer to download my pictures lately, so I borrowed Dusty's laptop so I could get the pictures of what we have been up to lately. So, this could be a very long post.

I had my guard banquet on May 8th - it turned out really nice. Last year I thought I was done, so it was a very emotional time. This time around was a lot easier. I always give my seniors blankets, and they turned out great. I always spend a bit on my captains, but I thought their gifts were so cute. I thought I'd post a few pictures. I did bears, pictures, and a cool sign for them.Then Bree had her dance recital on the 15th. She has loved taking dance this year, and I was so proud of her. She wasn't only dancing up on stage, but singing too!! I really need to get her in theater classes...The next week was her preschool graduation. It was super cute. She absolutely loved preschool and her teacher, Miss Nikki! I was so happy we had her in this preschool this year.

On Friday, Jack had his dance program at school. His class did their performance to batman - and, he was so good! He kept on tempo and step the entire time - GREAT JOB JACK! He was so happy that Grandpa Rupp could come watch him - not so happy that mom was there (I think I make him nervous!).
And finally, Myles officially rolled over today! Hooray! He couldn't quite figure out what to do with his head, but he really did roll over. Dusty and I have been working on it for weeks - so, good job Myles.
Dusty and I are doing good - nothing too new here. We are still waiting to move into the new home. My in-laws have been so great with us - but, I am sure they are ready to have their home back :)


Michelle said...

That wasn't too long. I loved every minute of it!! It sounds like things are busy as always, but good. Let me know when you're moving in and if we can help!! I'll call you so we can get together sometime this week.

7packofbearss said...

Good thing for nice family members to let you crash at their home. It is always nice to be in your own house again though. Hope it isn't too much longer for you. Your kids are sure cute and the color guard stuff turned out awesome. Way to go.

Millie Killpack said...

I love the sign you made--"creepy". Very cute. And Bree is growing! I'm sure it was adorable to see her sing/dance.