Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nothing New

I don't really have a lot to update today, but I was just in the mood to write something...
Dad is still doing about the same. He was so tired last night though and didn't look very good. He is sure having a hard time lately. I wish there was something we could do for him.
Grandpa & Bree

Dusty & Myles at the nursing home

Bree is enjoying school, Jack is not. I feel so bad for him - I think he's having a hard time making new friends. But, I hope he will soon.
Myles is just Myles - the funniest one in the family. He has started using his feet for everything. Here he is holding the drum with his feet so he could hit it with his hands. Too cute.

Dusty is still working like crazy and supporting me with everything. He's great as always.
And, I'm just adjusting to taking kids to school, work, taking care of kids, dad, etc. I did get to go to a movie last night (All About Steve - weird). But, it was good getting out.
Anyways, I hope you all are doing well.

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