Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kid's Update

So, I didn't really get the chance to update what the kids have been up to last month - so I'll do it now. On the 5th of August my best friend Kristina's mom took me and the kids to the Dinosaur Museum. The kids loved it! Thank you so much Lynette for adopting us for the day :).
Kristina & Myles

Bree, Lynette, & Jack

Bree also had her dance concert on the 14th - a previous blog had the drama of getting her leotard, etc. (thanks Kristina!). Unfortunately, we only got one BAD picture before our camera died... Our good friends the Reese's took video for us - thank you! But, she did great.
And, Jack started a new school on the 20th - it is still undecided if he likes it or not. His teacher is Mrs. Emfield (which I don't know if he likes her either). I'm really hoping that he starts liking school - I really want him to have a great year!


Just Kristina... said...

LOVE the kid update. Thanks for coming to the dinosaur museum. It was fun. What the hell was going on with my hair that day? And the lack of makeup... it's a nice look as well. No wonder I'm single!!

J♥M said...

I'm so happy to see an update! Good friends are priceless! I sure hope that Jack gets adjusted soon! It's hard to start all over. I wish you the best!