Monday, October 29, 2007

No Clean Clothes...

So, have you ever had to take clothes out of your "For Christmas" pile because you hadn't done your sons laundry in a week? Well, that was me this morning (how embarrising, I know!). Jack had NO clean pants, and the ones that were clean don't fit him anymore. So, into my room I went and took a pair of pants stowed away for Christmas. What is a mom to do? (Laundry, right:) ) Anyways, I hope Dusty doesn't read this one...


erica e said...

laundry is a never ending problem. i've always got too many piles of it laying around: dirty piles, clean clothes that need to be folded and then folded clothes that need to be put away. our drawers are almost always empty.

Just Kristina... said...

LISTEN...clothes are to be worn, not stashed. Right? I think it's great he gets them now. He'll have the cleanest and brightest clothes in the whole kindergarten! That certainly makes you look like a great mom with a well put together child. ARE a GREAT mom with a well put together child!! Laundry-schmaundry!

Michelle said...

Look at you, at least you had a Christmas stash to go to. Dusty should be grateful that you are planning ahead. ;) Ah, laundry...I do it on Mondays and inevitably, something is stained Monday night.

Shannon said...

See, I don't have kids who have to go to school, so I would just make them stay in their pajamas all day until they had clean clothes. But I don't even work so I don't have an excuse.

I like what Erica said, I feel like that all the time.