Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New York Trip

I know that I keep jumping back a lot, but since I just started "blogging", there is much I want to post. Anyways, Dusty and I got the chance to go back to New York the first weekend of October. It was AWESOME. We went with his mom and dad. American Fork High School Marching Band is performing in this years Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. So, John and I had meetings to go to (Dusty's dad is the band director and I'm the color guard director). But, we got to take Dusty and Pam. It has always been a dream of mine to go to New York (because I am such a theater GEEK!). And, we got to go see Spamalot and Les Miserables on Broadway! It was WAY cool. Spamalot was hilarious, and Les Mis made me cry. We also did a lot of sight seeing (empire state building, rockefeller plaza, ground zero, central park, etc.) and some shopping. But, my highlight was definitely broadway!! Oh, and also being there with Dusty:)


7 Baldwin's said...

Hey- I found you from Karli's blog- I'm jealous of your New York Trip! I love broadway and Les Mis is one of my all time faves!!! Sounds like a ton of fun!

Michelle said...

Glad to hear a few more of the details. I'm so excited for you to go again and see Wicked!! Great work on posting so regularly. (Two days in a row is more impressive than I've ever been.)

Shannon said...

HOORAY! Now I can see all the pictures of your cute family!

Alyssa said...

I love New York.. You need to go see Phantom of the Opera. That is AMAZING to see, and Tarzan. I love Broadway!!!

Karen said...

Your mom Karen -
Well one of your dreams have come true now you only need to get to Italy. I need to somehow fit in your suitcase but I know Jack and Bree will not fit so it is Thanksgiving Dinner at Aunt Leslie's for us and New York for you. Have a great trip.