Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Activities

We sure had a lot going on this past weekend for Easter - but, the kids had fun and scored A LOT of candy!! Saturday afternoon we went to Dusty's parents home for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. The kids love getting eggs from Grandma Miller because she puts money in them :)

Then, that night we went over to our good friends the Cottle's house for dinner and coloring Easter eggs. We always love spending time with them!! Stephanie and I have grown up together, so I guess you could say we've known each other since we were babies :)
Easter morning the kids got their Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny, and then we went to my mom and dads for dinner and another Easter egg hunt! The kids were excited because they each got $5 from Grandpa! My sister and her family were there and it was great spending time with them!
I hope everyone had a great Easter!


Just Kristina... said...

Looks like everyone had a good time. I still cannot believe how big your kids are getting. I love the pictures that ate closer up of Jack and Bree. Cute!

Karen said...

It was so wonderful to have both your family and Heidi's family home. It has been way to long since we were all together. Loved having the grandchildren and watching them gather the eggs. We are so blessed to have the children and grandchildren we have.

Love Mom

7packofbearss said...

Tiffany, I haven't seen you lately. You look awesome! Your kids are sure cute too.

Melissa said...

Great photos. It's great to see photos of your mom and dad and Heidi. I added your blog to my list of blogs. You can do the same. :) Talk to you soon. Mel