Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Scriptures and Prayers

One of my favorite things to do is listen to my kids pray. I love to hear the things they need help with, or what is important enough to them to ask Heavenly Father for help. Last night during our scripture reading, my parents came over and were so impressed that the kids sat and listened to Dusty reading the scriptures. Now, we do only read 2 verses a night (thanks to my good friend who gave us that advise - it's about all the kids can focus on right now) :) Jackson talked about Nephi and his father Lehi - he loves to listen to stories about Nephi.

Then it was Bree's turn for family prayer. I was so proud of her. She prayed for Jesus to help our Prophet, President Hinckley, to be okay. And she prayed for everyone to be nice to each other. She also prayed for Cinderella, which is okay because that's what is important to her.

It has been so wonderful to watch how much my kids have grown this past year. I only hope that their thirst for knowledge continues as they grow older...

So, I know this picture has nothing to do with my post...

I just thought it was cute of the kids painting:)


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your testimony about reading scriptures and praying with your kids. Sometimes kids put everything into perspective. The little things are the most important things!

You are such a nice mom to let your kids paint! My kids are deprived...because I hate the mess! I know, I am a mean mom.

Moreau's said...

I love hearing about cute kids prayers! Aren't they so sweet and innocent! Also, such a good idea about only reading two verses! I love that! You are a great mom!

I love that picture that you have of President Hinckley kissing his wife! So sweet!

Also, love the Valentines Day theme to your blog! It looks so good! I need you to teach me how to do this!

Anonymous said...

What amazing kids you have!