Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Little Crazy...

So, I finally found out how to customize my blog page, and it seems I've gone a bit crazy. I hope it's not too difficult to look at - and don't be surprised if it's completely different tomorrow:) I guess I have nothing better to do.


Michelle said...

Okay, I don't know how you figured it out, but you've got to show me. It is so incredibly cute!

Hannah Jones said...

I LOVE it! It looks great! You are talented!

Elizabeth said...

It's way cute. I want to know how too!

Elizabeth said...

It's way cute. I want to know how too!

Karen said...


I love your wallpaper - it looks just like your scrapebook pages. What a talented lady. Always love to see what you come up with next.


The Five that Jive said...

Way cute!! Good job!
Lindsey J

Anonymous said...

You definitely need to teach me how! I love it!! You are so creative!

Moreau's said...

I want to learn too! So fun!

Meghan said...

So cute Tiffany! Is is hard to do? How is it different than choosing a template? Love it!