Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Here are a few things I am thankful for this year:
1. my husband
2. my children
3. a loving Heavenly Father
4. my mom and dad
5. my in-laws
6. having my dad here with us
7. siblings (my own and by marriage)
8. friends
9. a best friend
10. having so much to be thankful for

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Bree!!

Today my princess turned 5 years old - WE LOVE YOU BREE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What a whirlwind the past few weeks have been for me! Two weeks ago, my group competed in the BOA Western regionals and won everything! It was amazing. We got home on Sunday and by Monday we were told we would be going to Indianapolis for Grand Nationals - which we had not planned on going. So, it was a bit crazy!! I had a few days to plan, and then we were off.
We had a great trip and the kids did SO good. I was so proud of them. It has certainly been an emotional season and it was a great way to end the season on that field!
The band came in 15th (out of 90 bands in the nation - not too bad!). I had a great time but I'm so glad to be home. Now, on to winter guard...

Monday, November 2, 2009


We had a pretty busy Halloween season this year. Thursday night, we went to my dad's nursing home to trick or treat. It was super cute - most of the residents had candy and they had games set up for all the kids.
Friday we went to Dusty's work. They let the kids come every year to trick or treat, and I love it. It's warm and safe - that's the best I think.
On Saturday, Dusty took the kids trick or treating in his mom's neighborhood. I had a show that day in Logan. I wasn't going to go, but Dusty told me he thought I needed to - so that helped my decision. I think the kids had a blast with their dad!
I hope you all had a great Halloween!

Bree, Jack, Myles and Alivia (our good friends little girl). How'd they all end up wearing black...

Apples (and such...)

About 3 weeks ago, we noticed our neighbors were picking their apples, so we thought we should too (this is all new to us - we don't know when the best time to pick is). So, we picked all the apples from our two apple trees. There was A TON! We ended up with about 8 box fulls - of course some weren't good, but that's pretty good. Well, my mother-in-law came over last weekend and we bottled applesauce and apples slices. It was fun, but took a long time! But hey, it's great food storage I guess...
(Oh, and I thought I'd take a picture of our HUGE pumpkin... it probably weighed about 150 lbs)