Monday, November 2, 2009

Apples (and such...)

About 3 weeks ago, we noticed our neighbors were picking their apples, so we thought we should too (this is all new to us - we don't know when the best time to pick is). So, we picked all the apples from our two apple trees. There was A TON! We ended up with about 8 box fulls - of course some weren't good, but that's pretty good. Well, my mother-in-law came over last weekend and we bottled applesauce and apples slices. It was fun, but took a long time! But hey, it's great food storage I guess...
(Oh, and I thought I'd take a picture of our HUGE pumpkin... it probably weighed about 150 lbs)


Karen said...

I am so proud of you. They looked great. It has been a long time since I have done any canning. I'm sure your family (especially Myles) will enjoy the fruit of your labors.


P.S. Cute, Cute, Pictures

Nicole said...

woo-hoo!!!!! It's a ton of work! nice to be able to know you can at least do it yourself, though :) fun pictures. Myles is adorable!

Just Kristina... said...

You're such an overachiever! I love it though. Who knew when you moved you'd also be adding food to your food storage. I LOVE IT!!

Unknown said...

Can't beat free food storage, that's for sure!! Way to go, Tiff!

Cute pictures too!

J♥M said...

Canning is a lot of work and time consuming, but so worth it! How fun to have a helper! How fun to be able to have your own apple tree! And to be able to grow your own punkins! Awesome pics!