Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Missing a Friend Today...

I'm not really sure what's going on today, but my heart is very full! Thoughts are flooding my mind about my friend I lost in October. I miss her! Since I can actually scrapbook now, I did a few pages on her - I then recalled all the events that took place last October and it's hard! This is the time of year that we always complained to each other about winter guard - how I miss her advice!!
Maybe I'm thinking about her today because the sun is not shining very bright - I am sure she is encouraging me to hold tight and that the sun will come out tomorrow. Love ya Heather!


J♥M said...

Hugs! Hugs! And more Hugs! Luv ya!

Just Kristina... said...

You are an amazing friend! I'm sure Heather looks down and smiles. I believe our friendships continue after our departures from this world. Love you!!