So, Myles will be turning 1 on the 23rd - can you believe it, cause I can't! He is getting so big. He has really been trying to walk the past 2 weeks. He took 6 steps for me the other night. I was picking him up from the babysitter and I made him walk to me at the door - you could tell he didn't want me to leave. It was very cute. He has also been sick the past week. I got him into the doctor yesterday and he gave me some medication. I just LOVE the kids' doctor. I was in and out in 15 minutes - great!
Bree is doing great too. She is loving her preschool class - I think she is very smart, but I am only her mother. She is such a mini-me it's scary! I see so much of myself in her when I was her age - I feel bad for my mother! She is excited for Christmas. She wrote her ONE Christmas card last night to a boy in her class named Brooks - I wonder if she has a crush...
Jack is still adjusting to life here in the new place. I worry about him a lot and just want him to be happy. Last week he started playing with one of the neighbor boys, and I was so happy! Finally he is starting to make some friends. He still struggles at school but I think he's getting better. I think a lot of it has to do with whether or not he is in the mood to learn. Sometimes he gets 100% on his spelling tests, and sometimes he gets 2 right... I think he just wasn't in the mood to take that test :).
Dusty and I are doing well too, I guess. I braved the lines and went shopping on black Friday with my best friend. We didn't go all crazy - in fact, we didn't leave until 6am. But, we had fun just going and spending time together. I think we should make this an annual event - what do you think Kristina??
I have also taken the week off work - and boy did I need it! I do have to go to rehearsal tomorrow night, but it's been worth it to have a small break.
Hope you all are doing well.