Sunday, January 15, 2012

Long Needed Update

Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted anything. Life certainly took over, I guess. I think the easiest thing to do is give a month to month update on what's been going on in our family.

This was the beginning of my field show competitions. We had another great show titled "Shades of Conflict". It had to do with dealing with anxiety, etc. The girls had a really good season again and I was proud of them.
The kids started school the end of August. Bree likes it - Jack does not! I wish I could get him to enjoy school more!
Myles is growing up. It's just him and I at home now during the day. We sure have fun.
We celebrated Grandpa Miller's birthday.
Nothing new happening in September.

I finished up marching band. We won state again - it's such a great feeling after all the hard work the kids put into the show. Here is a picture of my staff and I:
I really do work with great people and they make my job a lot easier!
Dusty and I bottled more applesauce from apples on our tree. That's always an adventure!
We celebrated my mom and dad's birthday:
My dad would have been 70 on the 22nd. I still miss him everyday!
We carved pumpkins for Halloween and the kids had fun dressing up. Jack was Captain Jack Sparrow, Bree was the girl pirate from the new movie, and Myles was a dinosaur.

My sister-in-law Mallory took some pictures of the kids for me. They turned out really cute.

Bree turned 7 this year - so crazy!! We celebrated her birthday and Thanksgiving with the Miller's. It was a lot of fun.

We also had Thanksgiving at our house with my mom and sisters family. Talk about a crazy few days! But it was great spending time with family.
We also took the kids to Provo Beach Resort over the break. It is a really fun, clean place we like to go to. Jack was with Steve and didn't get to go with us.

My good friend Chase also cut and dyed my hair. I love it!
Dusty also enjoyed taking the kids up the canyon while I had winter guard auditions or camps. I'm glad he does that while I'm busy... :)
The last thing that happened in November was our family friend Jordyn moved in with us. We love her so much and she is so helpful with the kids. They sure love her!
I will post December in another post. This is a pretty long update already.

1 comment:

J♥M said...

Love the update!!! Love your hair!!