Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bree's 1st Day of Preschool

Bree had her 1st day of Preschool today, and she was SO excited to go! Her teachers name is Miss Nikki and she really likes her.
I tried getting some good pictures of her, but she likes to hit funny poses these days...

Bree & her friend Raegan


J♥M said...

So sweet!

Karen said...

Bree is so "amazing". She is so ready for school let alone preschool. Love that little girl.

Grandma Rupp

kamikae said...

These pictures of Bree are so sweet! She is adorable. Congratulations, you will now have about five hours a week without any kids for the next couple of months. :)

elshmobelsh said...

Tiff! You have so much going on! Congrats on a boy! I'm sorry you're still feeling sick. Hopefully it will go away faster than with Jack.

I read what you wrote about Bree getting out of bed and I can share what we did if it helps. We did with Jaden (and I'll warn you I'm a mean mom, but I'm even more mean when I'm grumpy and don't get enough sleep) is put a childproof door knob on his door on the inside. So we could go in but he couldn't go out. If you are still having probs and you feel good about that, you could try it. This was when Jaden was younger and I was worried he'd fall down the stairs getting to our room in the night.

I hope Jack is feeling better from his surgery. Poor guy!

I can't believe how much older Bree looks!!! Seriously! She and Raegan have both grown up so much since we left. I hope you can get some rest while the kids are at school!

Love ya!

Millie Killpack said...

Raegan and Bree look darling at preschool. Kate has the same shirt as Bree. Miss Nikki is one lucky teacher.