I haven't really had a computer to download my pictures lately, so I borrowed Dusty's laptop so I could get the pictures of what we have been up to lately. So, this could be a very long post.I had my guard banquet on May 8th - it turned out really nice. Last year I thought I was done, so it was a very emotional time. This time around was a lot easier. I always give my seniors blankets, and they turned out great. I always spend a bit on my captains, but I thought their gifts were so cute. I thought I'd post a few pictures. I did bears, pictures, and a cool sign for them.Then Bree had her dance recital on the 15
th. She has loved taking dance this year, and I was so proud of her. She wasn't only dancing up on stage, but singing too!! I really need to get her in theater classes...
The next week was her preschool graduation. It was super cute. She absolutely loved preschool and her teacher, Miss Nikki! I was so happy we had her in this preschool this year.
On Friday, Jack had his dance program at school. His class did their performance to batman - and, he was so good! He kept on tempo and step the entire time - GREAT JOB JACK! He was so happy that Grandpa
Rupp could come watch him - not so happy that mom was there (I think I make him nervous!).
And finally, Myles officially rolled over today! Hooray! He couldn't quite figure out what to do with his head, but he really did roll over. Dusty and I have been working on it for weeks - so, good job Myles.
Dusty and I are doing good - nothing too new here. We are still waiting to move into the new home. My in-laws have been so great with us - but, I am sure they are ready to have their home back :)